Breathe & affirm ✨

Find a comfortable space to be still.

Perhaps this is seated with a blanket under you or lying down with support beneath your head and knees.

Close your eyes or soften your gaze.

Bring awareness to your body. Scan the body with the mind’s eye. Notice when you have support.

When you find calm and center, start to notice your breathing.

Practice box breathe.

Inhale count 1-2-3-4. Pause count 4-3-2-1. Exhale 1-2-3-4. Pause 4-3-2-1.

When you’re ready, add affirmations to the breathing pattern.

Inhale & affirm: May I be warmed by the love that flows to me.

Pause & affirm: May I be assured by the protection that surrounds me.

Exhale & affirm: May I be bolstered by the confidence the universe has in me.

Pause & affirm: May I be peaceful and at home in my life.

Repeat the affirmations at least five times.

Slowly come back to natural breathe, but naturally slower, longer and deeper.

Return attention to your body. Scan the body. Notice the state shift.

When you are ready, move your fingers and toes.

Take a big inhale and a long exhale. Remember.

Drink a glass of water and gently record in your journal any reflections.


My Food & Body Story (& how yoga helped me through it)